cDNA第一链反转录试剂盒采用稳定高效的反转录预混体系5×Golden RT MasterMix进行RNA的反转录反应,使用时只需加入模板、引物和RNase Free H2O 即可,大大简化了操作过程、提高了效率、减少了操作过程中的人为误差。MasterMix中添加了HL dsDNase(热敏双链特异性核酸酶),该双链特异性核酸酶(又名gDNA Remover)可在反转录的过程中,直接降解去除RNA中残留的基因组DNA污染(可去除100ng基因组DNA),从而在定量PCR的检测中无需考虑基因组污染的干扰,设计的定量PCR引物也无需进行横跨外显子。该试剂盒尤其适用于定量PCR检测。 该预混体系包含点突变致RNase H活性缺失的Golden MLV Reverse Transcriptase反转录酶、dNTP、反应Buffer、gDNA去除试剂和RNase Inhibitor。该试剂盒采用的反转录酶去除了RNase H活性,从而避免反转录过程中降解RNA。同时经过突变文库筛选,使得其热稳定性更强,可耐受55℃高温反应。相比于低温条件下反转录反应,采用高温反转录可显著打开RNA二级结构,从而提高复杂RNA模板的扩增性能、提高反转录cDNA的长度和产量,从而提高后续检测的灵敏度。合成的第一链cDNA可广泛用于2nd Strand的合成、杂交、PCR扩增、Real-Time PCR反应等。 |
组分 |
注:1.该制品可有效反转录mRNA、tRNA、LncRNA、ncRNA。 2. 该制品不可反转录microRNA、病毒DNA/RNA样品。 |
主要特征 |
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储存 |
请置于-20°C,可保存2年;避免反复冻融。注:如5×Golden RT MasterMix(with dsDNase)出现沉淀属正常现象,可用手捂化,混合均匀后使用不影响实验结果。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
应用本产品文献 |
1.Therapeutic effects of hepatocyte growth factor-overexpressing dental pulp stem cells on liver cirrhosis in a rat model. 2.Nrf2 mediates the protective effects of homocysteine by increasing the levels of GSH content in HepG2 cells. 3.Overexpression of phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15 reverses the damage induced by propofol in hippocampal neurons. 4.Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 activation mediates hyperhomocysteinemia-associated lipolysis suppression in adipocytes. 5.Apoptin‐derived peptide reverses cisplatin resistance in gastric cancer through the PI3K–AKT signaling pathway. 6.A peptide derived from apoptin inhibits glioma growth. 7.Combined treatment with simvastatin and rapamycin attenuates cardiac allograft rejection through the regulation of T helper 17 and regulatory T cells. 8.MicroRNA‐365 modulates astrocyte conversion into neuron in adult rat brain after stroke by targeting Pax6. 9.Inhibitory effect of HuR gene small interfering RNA segment on laryngeal carcinoma Hep-2 cell growth. 10.Development of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. 11.Local Expression of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I,Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor, and Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Ovarian Cancer. 12.Inhibitory Effect of Small Interfering RNA Targeting Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor in Ovarian Cancer OVCAR3 Cells. |
Golden 1st cDNA Synthesis Kit说明书
作者:上海信裕生物科技有限公司 2021-05-18T00:00 (访问量:980)
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