自然 通讯:NMT为质子泵激发花粉管生长并支撑其极性提供证据-自主发布-资讯-生物在线

自然 通讯:NMT为质子泵激发花粉管生长并支撑其极性提供证据

作者:旭月(北京)科技有限公司 2020-05-25T14:25 (访问量:2268)


期刊:Nature Communications


标题:Plasma membrane H+-ATPases sustain pollen tube

growth and fertilization







0.1mM KCl0.1mM CaCl20.1mM MgCl20.5mM NaCl0.3mM MES0.2mM Na2SO4pH 6.0

作者:丹麦哥本哈根大学 Michael Palmgren、美国马里兰大学 jose A. Fejio






Fig. 3 Reduced pollen tube growth in aha6 double and triple mutants is associated with reduced extracellular ion fluxes and intracellular pH gradients. (a) Representative WT pollen tube summarizing H+fluxes measured at the surface (arrows) and cytosolic pH gradient (false color). Arrow size is scaled with the flux intensity shown on the bottom bar, while direction denotes influx or efflux.(b) Extracellular H+ fluxes at the pollen tube tip. Violin plots show the probability density with color-filled curves obtained from individual observations (open gray circles), with boxplots (thick black lines and outliers asblack dots) overlaid with the mean and standard error (red circle and lines). (c) Extracellular H+ fluxes throughout the pollen tube sampled every 5 μm, averaged and interpolated with a local polynomial fit (loess) with n > 10 for all genotypes. Negative values indicate influx and positive values efflux. (d) Extracellular anion efflux at the tip.

Fig. 6 Model implicating plasma membrane H+-ATPases (AHAs) in the spatio-temporal control of ion fluxes and intracellular gradients required for actin organization during pollen tube growth. In the absence of AHAs (barrel shapes), extracellular H+ fluxes (colored arrows) and anionic efflux (black arrow) vanish, leading to a lower pH throughout the tube with ashallower cytosolic pH gradient (color fill heatmap), lower frequency of synchronized growth rate/[H+]cyt oscillations (magenta trace), and absence of organized actin at the tip (thin black lines), ultimately resulting in growth defects (represented by a shorter tube). Modified image of an Arabidopsis pollen grain by courtesy of Prof. David Twell, Electron Microscopy Facility, College of Life Sciences, University of Leicester.


Pollen tubes are highly polarized tip-growing cells that depend on cytosolic pH gradients for signaling and growth. Autoinhibited plasma membrane proton (H+) ATPases (AHAs) have been proposed to energize pollen tube growth and underlie cell polarity, however, mechanistic evidence for this is lacking.

Here we report that the combined loss of AHA6, AHA8, and AHA9 in Arabidopsis thaliana delays pollen germination and causes pollen tube growth defects, leading to drastically reduced fertility. Pollen tubes of aha mutants had reduced extracellular proton (H+) and anion fluxes, reduced cytosolic pH, reduced tip-toshank proton gradients, and defects in actin organization.

Furthermore, mutant pollen tubes had less negative membrane potentials, substantiating a mechanistic role for AHAs in pollen tube growth through plasma membrane hyperpolarization.

Our findings define AHAs as energy transducers that sustain the ionic circuit defining the spatial and temporal profiles of cytosolic pH, thereby controlling downstream pH-dependent mechanisms essential for pollen tube elongation, and thus plant fertility.


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